Please read the descriptions and use the sign-up form at the bottom to sign up for the activities you would like to participate in. Please make note of any materials needed for the activity. Zoom information and further details for the activities you sign up for will be provided through email. The deadline to sign up for the activities is: October 18, 2020.
2:00 – 3:00 PM
College Applications and Selection

Hear from college students about their experiences with the college application process. Receive fellowship regarding what things to prioritize when selecting a college.
2:00 – 2:30 PM
Game Session

Play online games as a group. Game options include Skribbl, Codewords, Pictionary, etc.
Best if joined on a laptop/computer
Music Workshop

Hone your guitar and Uke skills. Depending on the number of participants, we will break up into smaller clusters to practice strumming, song-writing, and sharing tips and tricks we’ve learned while playing in meetings, conferences, and group settings.
2:30 – 3:00 PM
Stretching/Workout (Brothers Only)

No equipment necessary! Join the brothers for a 20 min workout with an emphasis on stretching key muscle groups.
Workout Session (Sisters Only)

Join the sisters for a 20 min light weight training and cardio workout.
Materials Needed: You’ll need two weights, but if you don’t have dumbbells, use two cans of soup instead.
3:00 – 3:30 PM
Career Panel

Hear from saints in various career fields. Ask them questions about their careers, how they chose their field, or any advice you’d like to hear about their experience being a “working saint.”
Choose between the following fields: Tech/IT; Medicine/Allied Health; Veterinary Science
3:30 – 4:00 PM
Basic Car Maintenance

Open to everyone! Come take a peek under the hood and learn the basics every new driver should know to stay safe on the road. Session includes identifying parts under the hood, what to look out for to make sure your car is in top running condition, and how to use a car jack.
Jackbox Game

Play Drawful, a collaborative guessing game where you use your phone to draw the clue. If the players guess your drawing, you win points!
Best if using a computer/laptop for zoom, and phone or tablet for game.
Baking Cloud Bread

Come bake up a storm! This light, fluffy cloud bread is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. Ingredients are few, steps are simple, and at the end, you have a delicious treat!
Ingredients Needed:
- 3 egg whites
- 30 grams of sugar (less than 3Tbs)
- 10 grams of cornstarch (a bit more than 1Tbs)
- Almonds (optional)
Materials Needed: Whisk, mixing bowl, baking pan, baking sheet, working oven
Please note, this sign-up form is just for the Saturday activities.
Please also remember to register for the conference: